
Inguinal hernia in girls is a very rare condition. The cause of this pathology is incomplete closure of the processus vaginalis of the peritoneum, in girls named the canal of Nuck. Failed obliteration of this canal could result in hernia or hydrocele. Also less frequent findings, such as uterus herniated to the canal, were observed. The purpose of this study was to describe the possible findings in female inguinal hernias and its ultrasound appearance. Thirty-five patients with surgically confirmed hernias of the canal of Nuck were identified at our institution between January 2007 and November 2015. All the patients underwent ultrasonography before surgery. In 14 cases, there was hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. In 9 cases, intestinal hernia was found. In 10 patients, the hernia content appeared as mass-containing cysts and was confirmed at surgery as ovary. In 1 patient, the ovary was herniated together with uterus. In 1 patient, atypical hypoechoic lesion was found, which turned out to be angiofibrolipoma. In all patients, ultrasound diagnosis was confirmed by surgery. Ultrasound examination performed with high-frequency transducer is an examination of choice in female patients with pathological mass in inguinal region.

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