
A Sigmosceptrella sp. from the Great Australian Bight, Australia, has yielded the new norditerpene cyclic peroxide, nuapapuin A (2a), and the norsesterterpene cyclic peroxide sigmosceptrellin D (3a), characterized as the corresponding methyl esters 2b and 3b. The crude methylated sponge extract also yielded the new norsesterterpene cyclic peroxide sigmosceptrellin E methyl ester (4). Relative stereochemistry about C2, C3, and C6 was assigned by established empirical rules and absolute stereochemistry by the advanced Mosher procedure. A plausible biosynthetic pathway has been proposed that rationalizes key transformations in the biosynthesis of all known norterpene cyclic peroxides and related norterpene ketones, dienes and sigmosceptrins.

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