
The purpose of the research is to reveal international experience in the correction and re-socialization of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty. Main content. This paper analyzes articles of the Criminal-Executive Code of Ukraine, which contain measures of encouragement applied to convicts sentenced to deprivation of liberty (imprisonment) for a certain period of time, and foreign experience of European countries and CIS countries. Measures to encourage convicts should be considered as an important component in the legal regulation of the process of execution and service of punishment; use of such measures encourages law-abiding behavior. Methodology: The methodological basis of the research is presented as comparative-legal and systematic analysis, hermeneutic method as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. Conclusions. In foreign legislation the system of various types of measures stimulating law-abiding behavior of convicted persons is clearly regulated; this system allows to systematically and consistently change conditions of serving punishment from hard ones to soft ones. This system consists of certain types of incentives; the content and essence of such incentives differ depending on whether these measures are one-time or permanent and in relation to a certain category of convicted persons.

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