
Communication technologies are developing rapidly and in spite of traditional advertising applications, new application areas are including media plans. Internet is going to be preferred by customers and becoming one of the most important area of application for advertisers because of its capacity of getting consumer much more rapidly, including target consumer group to the advertising interactively and measurement of the consumer's reactions towards advertising easily. There are lots of forms of internet advertising; generally animated banners which include target consumer group to the advertising interactively; set up at the right side of the top of the page and designed by attractive colors like blue, green and orange are the most important form of the internet advertisement. Advertisers use signs to reach the consumer in an effective way. Analyzing linguistic and visual semiotics which construe advertising give us important clues about target group characteristics, brand images. In our study, firstly banners' features will be explained and after Telsim Cep Aile and Cep Partner banners will be studying as current and different applications of same brand. As a result of semiotic study of these examples; we can say that visual and linguistic signs were used in an effective way and both examples focused on services qualifications, gave information about products' features and parallel with consumer target group's characteristics.

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