
Distributing control mechanisms across modern commercial off the shelf (COTS) GNU/Linux systems often introduces difficult to mitigate non-deterministic behavior. Existing methods to address this problem involve non-real-time technologies such as Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Infiniband or custom Ethernet solutions, such as RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) or userspace Ethernet drivers, that trade determinism for ease of use or lower cost. The National Spherical Torus Experiment Upgrade (NSTX-U) is pursuing a new design that allows direct communication between heterogeneous systems with scalable, microsecond latency with 1 μs of jitter on that latency, outside of the constant transmission delay at the physical layer. The future design of the NSTX-U Real-time Communication System will utilize direct PCIe-to-PCIe communication with kernel support tuned for low overhead, allowing two (or more, through a switch) real-time (RT) systems to communicate and share resources as one larger entity. This greatly increases the processing capability of the primary Plasma Control System (PCS), turning previously insurmountable computational challenges into a more manageable divide and conquer parallel task.

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