
The US Extremely Large Telescope Program (US-ELTP) is a joint endeavor of the National Science Foundation’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NSF’s NOIRLab) and the organizations building the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) and the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). Our goals are to complete construction of both observatories and to enable all US astronomers to carry out transformational research that takes full advantage of the diverse capabilities of both GMT and TMT as well as the two-hemisphere system. NOIRLab’s portion of this initiative is a software suite called the US ELT Program Platform (UPP). The UPP will support the investigator through all phases of their observations: from proposal creation, time allocation, observation data transfer and storage, and data analysis, to publication. NOIRLab is currently preparing for a 2023 NSF Preliminary Design Review (PDR). NOIRLab used previous ground-based astronomy project experience and lessons learned to tailor our requirements management processes and help downselect a requirements management tool. To increase stakeholder communication and collaboration during the requirements generation activities, we have taken a novel approach to requirements management for astronomy projects by using the Atlassian Jira [1] add-on called “Requirements for Jira” (R4J) [2]. All facets of requirements management are conducted within the Jira environment. This approach has proven to be exemplary as Jira provides an intuitive and collaborative environment with which most of the project staff are already familiar. This paper details the motivations and results of our requirements management tool trade study and provides examples of how the requirements management processes are implemented within Jira.

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