
We show that the twist-2 light-cone wave-functions of η c and J / ψ can be factorized with nonrelativistic QCD (NRQCD) at the one-loop level, where the nonperturbative effects are represented by NRQCD matrix elements. In quarkonium at rest the c - or c ¯ -quark moves with a small velocity v . The factorization is achieved by expanding the small velocity v . To the leading order of v , the twist-2 light-cone wave-functions of η c and J / ψ can be factorized as the product of a perturbative function and an NRQCD matrix element. The perturbative function is calculated at the one-loop level and is free from any soft divergences. Our results can be used for exclusive productions of quarkonia, which are studied in an experiment with two B -factories.

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