
Please read the following vignette and watch the video clip.(Figure 1) A 38-5/7-week-gestation infant is delivered through clear amniotic fluid after an uncomplicated pregnancy. Immediately after birth, the infant is nonvigorous. The infant is warmed, dried, and stimulated, and the airway is opened. At 30 seconds after birth, the provider suggests the following: Now, stop reading and watch the video. Figure 1 Click here to watch video. The nurse disagrees with this suggestion. Which of the following is the best intervention at this time? 1. Apply free-flow oxygen, monitor perioral cyanosis 2. Assess the heart rate 3. Begin bag-mask PPV with FiO2 0.21 4. Begin bag-mask PPV with FiO2 0.40 5. Begin bag-mask PPV with FiO2 1.0 Immediately after birth, the team …

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