
The impact of close relations on life courageThe purpose of this essay is to describe how close relations have impact on sick person’s life courage. Life courage is an existential life phenomenon. The life phenomena life courage and joy of life are in this article the key phenomena to be focused on. The article describes both differences and similarities between relational-ethical and existential life phenomena, which can promote but also restrict life. Moreover, some of the important differences between needs and life phenomena are also brought forward. The argumentation is based on empirical research examples of how close relations can contribute to creating life conducive or life restrictions for the ill and suffering person. It is in the interaction with others and through the importance of close relations that life courage possibilities arise. The article shows relational experiences from chronically ill persons, persons with a life-threatening disease and dying persons.


  • The impact of close relations on life courageThe purpose of this essay is to describe how close relations have impact on sick person’s life courage

  • Livsmodet er et eksistentielt livsfænomen, som er almengyldigt for mennesker

  • The life phenomena life courage and joy of life are in this article the key phenomena to be focused on

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The impact of close relations on life courage

The purpose of this essay is to describe how close relations have impact on sick person’s life courage. The argumentation is based on empirical research examples of how close relations can contribute to creating life conducive or life restrictions for the ill and suffering person. It is in the interaction with others and through the importance of close relations that life courage possibilities arise. Keyword/Nøkkelord: life courage, joy of life, needs, close relations livsmod, livsglæde, behov, nære relationer. De nære relationer kan komme til at virke enten fremmende eller hæmmende på den syges livsmod og vitale virkekraft. Hensigten med artiklen er derfor at belyse, hvorledes de nære relationer kan medvirke til at skabe enten livsbefordrende eller sågar livsindskrænkende muligheder for den syge person. Dernæst udlægges forskellen på livsfænomener og behov, med den begrundelse at livsfænomener er substantielt anderledes grundlæggende erfaringer end bevidst, rationel behovstilfredsstillende Det er en skelnen, der er vigtig, fordi det kan være vanskeligt at blive opmærksom på livsmodets betydning, hvis der udelukkende styres og handles ud fra en behovsopfattelse af mennesket

Etiske og eksistentielle livsfænomener
Livsfænomener og behov i en livsfilosofisk sammenhæng
Erfaringer fra kronisk syge personer
Erfaringer fra livstruede syge og døende
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