
Two experiments, one each with cilantro and dill, were conducted during 1994 to determine optimum rates of N, P, and K fertilizers. In these experiments, `C1410' cilantro and `Bouquet' dill were direct seeded in three-row plots with 0.3-m spacing between rows. A seeding rate of ≈40 seeds per meter of row length was used. Data were recorded, 45 days after planting, on moisture content, chemical composition of foliage (contents of essential oils, protein, and ash), and fresh yield following 25, 50, 75, and 100 kg·ha–1 application of each nutrient (4 × 4 × 4 factorial). Nitrogen rates significantly affected moisture, ash, and fresh yield of cilantro and dill. Phosphorus rates significantly affected moisture content and yield of dill but not cilantro. The effects of K applications were nonsignificant. The optimum N rate for both cilantro and dill was 25 kg/h. The optimum rate of P for dill was 25 kg/h. The data indicated that N and P requirements of cilantro and dill are modest. Further details of these results will be presented and discussed.

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