
An exegesis of the central part of The Letter to the Hebrews (8, 1-9, 28) leads to the conclusion that the author of this NT message, being faithful to Biblical tradition (prophetic announcement texts and OT cultic ritual laws) as well as Gospel tradition from the Last Supper gives the conviction that the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfill the Sinai Covenant, particularly its very core, meaning the cult it aimed to attain but did not. Essentially, the earthly shrine in Jerusalem was not the way to heaven, the high priest was a sinful man and did not have a sacrifice uniting the people (man) with God. This cult had a role of a design for the fully effective and final cult. Apparently the Sinai Covenant, according to The Letter to the Hebrews, is an elapsing (aging; temporal) outline of the "New Covenant", the lasting and definitive Covenant-Testament. The autbor shows that tbe relationship between the Sinai Covenant and the New Covenant-Testament in the Letter to the Hebrews is like that between the outline of a picture and the actual picture, in effect a relationship of:- A continuation of that, which comprises the main ideas (a bond between God and people );-A lack in continuation of important institutions (the OT cult);- Radical newness (the sacrifice of Christ joining man with God through the resurrection).The Sinai Covenant is the model of the New Covenant-Testament - the only one for all peoples without exception, as well as the "new and living Way" to God for all - Jews and pagans - it is Jesus Christ, the perfect Man and true Son ofGod "The New Covenant" is not a renewal of the Sinai Covenant, but being a continuation of the old, first way, is at the same time a completely new kind of way. "The New Covenant" is centered about the High Priest, who "once and for all" offered himself as sacrifice and in this way "opened (in himself) the new and living Way" (Heb 10,20a). There is no other Way to the living God for any man on earth in order to be united with Him for ages.

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