
The hay production in Brazil has grown in recent years due to the producer awareness of the need for bulky animal supplementation of forage during the offseason. The hay production brings the advantage of the fact that these can be stored in different locations on the property, the ease of displacement relative to silage, plus the option of sale. In the case of marketing we are envisioning a growing market for the sale of bulky maintained. The current situation in our country follows the trend of other, i.e., increasingly conserved forages are produced and marketed by specialized companies. With this we have a market that is increasingly demanding in health quality and nutritional value of forage purchased what makes producers worry about the supply of a high quality massive. The swine manure has enabled and forage production in some regions due to the ability of full or partial replacement of chemical fertilizer and at the same time is going to solve an environmental problem of disposal and groundwater contamination. The use of tropical forage for hay production presents a limitation on the period of autumn-winter, where the climate does not favor their growth. Thus in southern Brazil the winter forage is an option for hay production, such as oats and field peas. The areas of hay production should be'll get soil compaction exerted by various operation ranging from cutting to baling. The use of mowers conditioners widely used in Europe and the United States are currently being adopted by some producers because of injuries caused by the shafts, the water losses are faster, thus reducing the time of dehydration.

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