
Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovene (Abstract in Slovene and English, Summary in English) Key words: Diocese of Ljubljana, Diocese of Maribor, charity work, military graves, war orphans, widows, Slovenia Abstract: The events during the war and the time after it brought several consequences for the population of the Slovenian lands. These were noticeable in all areas of personal and community life, and were particularly challenging for church communities, which prepared a series of initiatives to alleviate social distress and to regulate the issues raised by the war. Attention was drawn to various groups of the population: war orphans, widows, disabled soldiers, refugees from the Gorica (Gorizia) region, and the missing. Additional care had to be given to the military graves and the military sections of the cemeteries. The various forms of charitable action needed to be coordinated. The alliance Karitativna zveza became an umbrella organization for said charity work. There were various rallies, the preparation of programs and the raising of funds for the charity work. When the Spanish disease broke out at the end of the war, it was in the ecclesiastical context to find original explanations of this ordeal. The paper also outlines initiatives taken by individual bishops to regulate the situation. They placed greater emphasis on the religious dimension of the event. At the same time, they warned people against taking advantage of affected friends and relatives, and against a disorderly life.

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