
Abstract Most of sedimentary basins in Indonesia contain productive carbonate reservoirs. Geologically, the reservoirs are mostly part of a reef complex and carbonate platform, with basinal areas situated mainly in the back arc of the archipelago. Many of the productive carbonate reservoirs have dual porosity systems with widely varying proportions of primary and secondary porosity. Carbonates of the Tuban formation in Platinum field represent two carbonate buildups identified with similar effective porosity but different productivity. This paper describes a method for characterizing secondary porosity distribution at the wellbore and field scales to address the productivity difference between the northern and southern carbonate buildups in this field. To resolve the challenges in characterizing secondary porosity in a carbonate formation, an integrated workflow was developed that consists of combination of quantitative and textural analysis based on borehole images at the single-wellbore scale and the seismic inversion result to control lateral distribution at the field scale. Analysis based on borehole image log provides high-resolution porosity characterization based on its size, interconnectivity, and type. The result of the single-wellbore analysis will be distributed at the field scale with control of a seismic attribute such as acoustic impedance (AI). Acoustic impedance is built with stochastic seismic inversion to provide a higher-resolution result compared to the deterministic seismic inversion method. The result of the analysis based on borehole images at the single-wellbore scale shows most of the northern carbonate buildup wells demonstrate high development of porosity from interconnected vugs, leading to a relatively high permeability interval. In contrast, the southern carbonate buildup wells demonstrated low secondary porosity development. Low secondary porosity development is related to cemented zones and the predominance of claystone facies in a well. Later, the result of the single-wellbore scale analysis was distributed at the field scale with seismic attribute control such as AI. The Platinum field shows a negative correlation between AI and porosity with a value of -0.769; hence, the acoustic impedance from stochastic seismic inversion can be used to control the porosity distribution. The secondary porosity model shows a distinct difference between the northern and the southern carbonate buildups. The northern carbonate buildup has higher average secondary porosity compared to the southern carbonate buildup. The result was confirmed with production data; the northern carbonate buildup has higher productivity compared to the southern carbonate buildup. This integrated workflow provides a comprehensive and high-resolution analysis of secondary porosity distribution at the single-wellbore scale and the field scale. Thus, this workflow can reduce uncertainty during reservoir characterization, well placement, and production planning.

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