
The research programme undertaken at Rice Research Station, Moncompu, Kerala Agricultural University, for the post-emergence management of weedy rice by direct contact application (DCA) of broad-spectrum non-selective herbicides using specially designed novel hand held weed wiper device could selectively dry the panicles of weedy rice at 60–65 DAS, taking advantage of the height difference of 15–20 cm between weedy rice and cultivated rice. The study revealed that DCA can be effectively done in weedy rice infested cropped field using non-selective herbicides, viz. glufosinate ammonium, paraquat dichloride or glyphosate at 1015% concentration. Weed control efficiency by this method in terms of drying of the weedy rice panicles was as high as 83 to 88%. The device has been filed for Indian Patent at Patent Office, Chennai (Application No. 1763/CHE/2014 dated 01.04.2014). The technology can reduce the seed rain and buildup of soil seed bank of weedy rice. It is highly energy efficient, less labour intensive, and ecofriendly compared to hand weeding, cutting of weedy rice ear heads or application of large quantity of herbicides using sprayers. The device has become popular among the farming community of Kerala and transfer of technology of the device was done during 2015. The product is now marketed as ‘KAU Weed Wiper’ by M/s Raidco Ltd, for large scale manufacturing and sale to farmers.

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