
Variable precision (fuzzy) rough sets are interesting generalizations of Pawlak rough sets and can handle uncertain and imprecise information well due to their error tolerance capability. The comparable property (CP for short), i.e., the lower approximation is included in the upper approximation, is fundamental in Pawlak rough sets since many theories and applications rely on this property. However, the CP is lost in many existing variable precision (fuzzy) rough sets. Therefore, a novel variable precision fuzzy rough set model with CP is proposed and an associated three-way decision model is developed. Firstly, a pair of variable precision fuzzy upper and lower approximation operators are defined and studied through fuzzy implication and co-implication operators. We show that this pair of approximation operators satisfy various properties (including CP) that the existing variable precision fuzzy approximation operators do not possess. Secondly, new methods for constructing loss functions and conditional probabilities are given by using CP, and then a new three-way decision model with three strategies (optimistic, pessimistic, and compromise strategies) is established. Finally, an explanatory example is provided to examine validity, stability and sensitivity of the proposed three-way decision model.

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