
To report a novel technique for refixation of the dislocated CZ70BD intraocular lens. Posterior vitrectomy is performed with a 23-gauge or 25-gauge pars plana vitrectomy system with chandelier illumination. One needle of a double-arm 9-0 prolene needle is passed through the sclera 1.5 mm postlimbus. The needle is retrieved through the corneal paracentesis using a 27-G needle, and the suture is then cut. The suture end is passed through the eyelet of the dislocated CZ70BD intraocular lens inside the vitreous cavity. This is aided with a pair of 27-G MaxGrip forceps, which is inserted through a 27-G sclerostomy site at the intended scleral outlet. After passing the suture through the eyelet, the suture is pulled out at the 27-G sclerostomy site and a knot is tied and rotated. Similar procedure is performed for the second haptic if necessary. Seven eyes were successfully operated on using this technique with a mean follow-up of 12.4 months. There was significant improvement in the best-corrected visual acuity after the operation ( P = 0.016). Postoperative intraocular lens centration and alignment were satisfactory. One patient developed macula-on retinal detachment 1 month after the operation, which was successfully repaired without loss in the best-corrected visual acuity. The described novel technique is effective for refixation of dislocated CZ70BD intraocular lens.

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