
During our survey of the diversity of woody litter fungi in China and Thailand, three Hermatomyces species were collected from dead woody twigs of Dipterocarpus sp. (Dipterocarpaceae) and Ehretiaacuminata (Boraginaceae). Both morphology and multigene analyses revealed two taxa as new species (Hermatomycesturbinatus and H.jinghaensis) and the remaining collections as new records of H.sphaericus. Hermatomycesturbinatus is characterized by 1) dimorphic conidia, having circular to oval lenticular conidia and 2) turbinate conidia consisting of two columns with two septa composed of 2–3 cells in each column. Hermatomycesjinghaensis is characterized by dimorphic conidia, having circular to oval lenticular conidia and clavate or subcylindrical to cylindrical conidia and consisting of one or two columns with 6–8 cells in each column. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU, ITS, tub2, tef1-α and rpb2 sequence data supports the placement of these new taxa within Hermatomycetaceae with high statistical support.

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