
ARP4, an essential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, codes for a nuclear actin-related protein. Arp4 is a subunit of several chromatin-modifying complexes and is known to be involved in the transcriptional regulation in yeast. We used a mutant strain with a single amino acid substitution (G161D) in the conserved actin fold domain to investigate the influence of Arp4 on stress and nitrogen catabolite repression genes. The deficiency of functional Arp4 caused a highly increased sensitivity towards nitrogen starvation and to the macrolide antibiotic rapamycin. We show the changes of mRNA levels of selected genes under these conditions. The upregulation of stress genes as a consequence of treatment with rapamycin was largely Msn2p/Msn4p-dependent. The sensitivity towards rapamycin indicates a participation of Arp4 in the regulation of the TOR pathway. Consistently, arp4G161D cells exhibited an affected cell cycle. Long-term cultivation, which leads to a G1 arrest in wild-type cells, provoked arrest in G2/M (more than 60%) in the mutant strain. The same effect was observed upon treatment with rapamycin, indicating an unexpected relationship of Arp4 to TOR-mediated cell cycle arrest.

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