
A multi-pronged strategy including extensive sequence searches, structuralmodeling, and analysis of contextual information extracted from domainarchitectures, genetic screens, and large-scale protein-protein interaction analyseswas employed to predict previously undetected components of the eukaryoticubiquitin signaling system. Two novel groups of proteins that are likely to function asde-ubiquitinating and de-SUMOylating peptidases (DUBs) were identified. The firstgroup of putative DUBs, designated PPPDE superfamily (after Permuted Papain foldPeptidases of DsRNA viruses and Eukaryotes), consists of predicted thiol peptidaseswith a circularly permuted papain-like fold. The inference of the likely DUB functionof the PPPDE superfamily proteins is based on the fusions of the catalytic domain toUb-binding PUG (PUB)/UBA domains and a novel alpha-helical Ub-associated domain(the PLAP, Ufd3p and Lub1p or PUL domain) amongst different members of thePPPDE supefamily. The presence of the PPPDE superfamily proteins in mosteukaryotic lineages, including basal ones, such as Giardia, suggest a role indeubiquitination of highly conserved proteins involved in key cellular functions, suchas cell cycle control. In addition to eukaryotic proteins, the PPPDE superfamilyincludes predicted proteases from several groups of double-stranded RNA virusesand one single-stranded DNA virus. The apparent recruitment of DUBs for viralpolyprotein processing seems to represent a common theme in evolution of viruses.The second group of putative DUBs identified in this study is the WLM (Wss1p-likemetalloproteases) family of Zincin-like superfamily of Zn-dependent peptidases,which are linked to the Ub -system by virtue of fusions with the UB-binding PUG(PUB), ubiquitin-like and Little Finger domains. More specifically on the basis ofgenetic evidence the WLM family is implicated in de-SUMOylation. If validatedexperimentally, the WLM family proteins will represent the first case of a Zincin-likemetalloprotease involvement in Ub-signaling.

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