
One of prospective tendencies is introduction into the clinical practice combined medicines with antiviral, resolvent and antihistamine mechanisms of action. Contemporary glimpses of the inflammation pathogenesis are based on understanding different protective mechanisms, preventing invasion of pathogen into the mucous, its colonization and development of local, then systemic inflammation. Currently applicable medicines act not only against the pathogen, but also modulate inflammation process, induce local and systemic immune responce, both specific and non-specific. To the later group of medicines, acting through non-specific immune system factors relate Anaferon, Anaferon for children and Ergoferon. It should be noted that Ergoferon has complex (antiviral, resolvent and antihistamine) pharmacological action. Long-term experience of their usage corroborates their high effectiveness and safety in treatment and prevention of ARVI including flu in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

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