
Aim: To detect genetic variants of GPX5 gene and their associations with reproductive and productive traits in the Lumsniang (Hampshire x Niang Megha) pigs. Methodology: In this study, a total of 87 Lumsniang pigs were selected for collecting blood samples (3-5 ml) from Nucleus Pig Breeding Farm of ICAR Research Complex for North Eastern Hilly region, Umiam, Meghalaya. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood leukocytes using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood and tissue kits and diluted to working concentration (50 ng μl-1) and stored at -20°C, which were used as templates for association of GPX5 variants with polymerase chain reaction. The data for reproductive and productive traits were recorded from all the animals taken in this study. The reproductive and productive traits were analyzed using a general linear model (GLM) procedure of SPSS Version 16.0. Results: Polymorphisms at Intron 1 of the GPX5 gene was determined by PCR-RFLP with HinfI restriction enzyme and DNA sequencing analyses. Two alleles and three genotypes were identified by HinfI digestion of the GPX5 gene. In the SNP-HinfI (g.1896A>G) locus, significant associations were found between GPX5 genotypes and litter size at birth. The genotype AA demonstrated significantly (P<0.05) superior litter size at birth as compared to AG and GG genotypes at the SNP-HinfI locus in Lumsniang pig. Interpretation: The study reported probable associations of GPX5 variants with reproduction and production traits in Lumsniang pig. The genotype AA at locus SNP-HinfI improved the litter size at birth in the studied population. The GPX5 gene may be considered as a DNA marker for marker-assisted selection after validation in a large pig population.

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