
An optimization model which determines optimal spatial allocation of wind (WPPs) and PV power plants (PVPPs) for an energy independent power system is developed in this paper. Complementarity of the natural generation profiles of WPPs and PVPPs, as well as differences between generation profiles of WPPs and PVPPs located in different regions, gives us opportunity to optimize the generation capacity structure and spatial allocation of renewable energy sources (RES) in order to satisfy the energy needs while alleviating the total flexibility requirements in the power system. The optimization model is based on least squared error minimization under constraints where the error represents the difference between total wind and solar generation and the referent consumption profile. This model leverages between total energy and total power requirements that flexibility resources in the considered power system need to provide in the sense that the total balancing energy minimization implicitly bounds the power imbalances over the considered time period. Bounding the power imbalances is important for minimizing investment costs for additional flexibility resources. The optimization constraints bound the installed power plant capacity in each region according to the estimated technically available area and force the total energy production to equal the targeted energy needs. The proposed methodology is demonstrated through the example of long-term RES planning development for complete decarbonization of electric energy generation in Serbia. These results could be used as a foundation for the development of the national energy strategy by serving as a guidance for defining capacity targets for regional capacity auctions in order to direct the investments in wind and solar power plants and achieve transition to dominantly renewable electricity production.

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