
Research devoted to the intersection of work and family has achieved increasing attention over the past several decades (Allen, Johnson, Kiburz, & Shockley, 2013; Kossek & Lautsch, 2018). An abundance of management research on work-family conflict, family-work conflict, flexible work policies, work-from-home arrangements, suggests that there is substantial need to understand how employees experience and negotiate the work/life interface (Greenberg & Landry, 2011; Premeau, Adkins, & Mossholder, 2007; Park, Liu, & Headrick, 2020). Issues around employees’ work-family dynamics have become increasingly salient during the COVID-19 pandemic as many employees saliently balanced work and family demands with oftentimes fewer support resources (Vaziri, Casper, Wayne, & Matthews, 2020). This symposium brings together a group of researchers investigating issues around the work/life interface with the intent of adding to this practical and theoretically important conversation. Specifically, this symposium highlights several novel perspectives on understanding work-family intersection. First, through adopting a temporal lens, it explores how employees may cognitively switch between highly integrated work and family domains and the outcomes of such switches over time, and how employees’ work-family balance changes over time. Second, from the perspective of workers’ identity and social gender roles, the symposium examines how partners’ evaluation of workers' performance or perception of workers’ interrole conflict affects workers’ outcomes such as performance, job satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. Last but not least, this symposium takes workers’ family members into consideration and demonstrates the spillover effect of workers’ work-related experiences (such as burnout) on their children. Transitions between Integrated Work and Family Domains: A Theoretical Model of Domain Switching Presenter: Ekonkar Kaur; U. of Washington, Seattle Presenter: Marcus Butts; Southern Methodist U. Work-Life Balance over Time: Returning to Work and the Effects of Embeddedness and Future Focus Presenter: Ian Siderits; North Carolina State U. Presenter: Patrick Flynn; North Carolina State U. Presenter: Sean Noble; North Carolina State U. Presenter: Paul W Mulvey; North Carolina State U. The Carryover of Social Evaluations at Home to Self-Evaluations at Work Presenter: Lindsay Mechem Rosokha; Purdue U., West Lafayette Presenter: Kelly Schwind Wilson; Purdue U., West Lafayette Presenter: Heidi Marie Baumann; Bradley U. The Impact of Asymmetry in Interrole Conflict Perceptions within Couples on Workers' Outcomes Presenter: Xing Liu; Wayne State U. Presenter: Christina Hymer; U. of Tennessee, Knoxville Presenter: Viva Nsair; Western Michigan U. Faking Parents Make Faking Adolescents: A Parent-Child Model of Burnout Presenter: Jiajin Sophie Tong; School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences Presenter: Drake Van Egdom; U. of Houston Presenter: Jing Zhang; California State U. San Bernardino

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