
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a vital role in achieving quick and efficient results. These networks comprise small, affordable sensors that collect valuable data from their surroundings. The core objective of this project is to optimize the pathways for data transmission, improve communication among sensor nodes, and filter out irrelevant or erroneous data prior to sending it to the central station. This project introduces a new method by implementing blockchain intelligence, which stores and provides optimal data transmission routes. This empowers sensor nodes to identify the most efficient paths for data sharing, eliminating unnecessary routes. Additionally, the blockchain acts as a filter, ensuring that only relevant data is transmitted to the central station. This approach not only saves time by streamlining data routes but also secures data security through the validity of blockchain technology. Furthermore, increases data quality by discarding unnecessary information. This project showcases a smart solution that tackles common WSN challenges, promising to elevate technological capabilities for a variety of applications.

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