
Smart farming aims to ameliorate the quantity and quality of farms products using modern information and communication technologies. Agriculture has always used cutting-edge technology to improve profitability, efficiency, and safety as well as creating the opportunity for more environmentally friendly operations. In smart agriculture network communication between smart devices is necessary to managing the agriculture process. Consequently, the possibility of information being exposed to hacking is very likely, which makes the information security system extremely important and cannot be neglected. Even though many solutions have been developed to overcome cyberattacks in smart networks, some limitations are observed, such as solving multi-class problems, high feature dimensions, and overhead computation. To address the aforementioned issues, an intelligent Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for identifying cyberattacks in the Internet of Agriculture Things (IoAT) is proposed. The developed model uses a proposed reduced kernel method, the Downsized Kernel Partial Least Square (DKPLS) to extract and reduce data feature dimension to improve detection performance. The DRKPLS approach is used to reduce the dimension of a kernel matrix generated using the Kernel Partial Least Square (KPLS) technique by selecting the most important features. In classification phase, the Kernel Extreme Learning Machine (KELM) is used to classify data for binary and multi-class classification. The proposed IDS is evaluated on a new Industrial IoT Dataset, X-IIoTID. The developed approach achieved higher performances for binary classification and for multi–class classification compared to others machine learning and deep learning approaches. The proposed approach achieved an accuracy rate of 99.92% for binary classification and 99.99% for multi–class classification. Furthermore, the higher percentage in multi-class classification is obtained for the two types of attacks Ransom Denial of Service (RDoS) and Command_Control respectively.

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