
A novel Brain MRI Medical imaging method for the retrieval and classification of MRI Medical database is presented in this article. For each MRI medical image, the multi-resolution modified spectral correlation function transform is computed and the average and standard deviation are used as the textural properties. The edge detectors and modified bit-based histogram defined the high level properties. A feedback-based dynamic weighting of shape and textural features' composition generate a resistant feature vector for classification of MRI medical image. For MRI medical image similarity and classification procedure, a unified and comprehensive matching scheme on the basis of matrix error rate method was performed. The feature vectors size in the presented algorithm is the least one assessed to different methods. Also, the previous published techniques calculation time is more compared to the proposed algorithm which is an advantage over the presented Novel technique. The findings show that new algorithm enjoys more precious in classification and retrieval and efficiency in evaluation with other algorithms and methods at the MRI Medical image database.

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