
AbstractFamily inheritance distribution is an interesting and challenging problem. When a person dies, all of their wealth is passed on to their heirs. Heirs are family members of the deceased with specific relationships. The distribution process of wealth in Islam has many rules that make it difficult to understand and require an expert to solve. Many interrelated rules make it difficult to teach and learn. Therefore, there have been multiple attempts to develop an expert system to help solve the family inheritance problem. The existing solutions have some limitations in terms of the completeness of rules, and user‐system interactions, which make these systems unreliable. In this study, we developed an expert system to calculate family inheritance. The two main contributions of this work are the development of a complete set of inheritance rules and the design of intelligent user‐system interaction. We innovate the design of the family tree, which plays the role of an interaction layer with the user. The results of our proposed system demonstrate an accuracy of approximately 93%.

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