
Natural microbial communities produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites with ecologically and biotechnologically relevant activities. Some of them have been used clinically as drugs, and their production pathways have been identified in a few culturable microorganisms. However, since the vast majority of microorganisms in nature have not been cultured, identifying the synthetic pathways of these metabolites and tracking their hosts remain a challenge. The microbial biosynthetic potential of mangrove swamps remains largely unknown. Here, we examined the diversity and novelty of biosynthetic gene clusters in dominant microbial populations in mangrove wetlands by mining 809 newly reconstructed draft genomes and probing the activities and products of these clusters by using metatranscriptomic and metabolomic techniques. A total of 3,740 biosynthetic gene clusters were identified from these genomes, including 1,065 polyketide and nonribosomal peptide gene clusters, 86% of which showed no similarity to known clusters in the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene Cluster (MIBiG) repository. Of these gene clusters, 59% were harbored by new species or lineages of Desulfobacterota-related phyla and Chloroflexota, whose members are highly abundant in mangrove wetlands and for which few synthetic natural products have been reported. Metatranscriptomics revealed that most of the identified gene clusters were active in field and microcosm samples. Untargeted metabolomics was also used to identify metabolites from the sediment enrichments, and 98% of the mass spectra generated were unrecognizable, further supporting the novelty of these biosynthetic gene clusters. Our study taps into a corner of the microbial metabolite reservoir in mangrove swamps, providing clues for the discovery of new compounds with valuable activities. IMPORTANCE At present, the majority of known clinical drugs originated from cultivated species of a few bacterial lineages. It is vital for the development of new pharmaceuticals to explore the biosynthetic potential of naturally uncultivable microorganisms using new techniques. Based on the large numbers of genomes reconstructed from mangrove wetlands, we identified abundant and diverse biosynthetic gene clusters in previously unsuspected phylogenetic groups. These gene clusters exhibited a variety of organizational architectures, especially for nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthase (PKS), implying the presence of new compounds with valuable activities in the mangrove swamp microbiome.

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