
Wilms' tumor-suppressor gene-1 (WT1) is a transcription factor that contains four zinc-finger motifs at the C-terminus and plays a crucial role in kidney and gonad development. We have identified primitive glomeruloid formation using immunohistochemistry in a patient who was clinically diagnosed with a Wilms' tumor. In order to understand the involvement of mutations in the WT1 gene, the genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood of the patient (18/F). Exon 9 of the WT1 gene was amplified and sequenced. The obtained sequence was BLAST searched against the transcript variants (TV) of the WT1 gene. An amplified exon 9 sequence of the WT1 gene showing similarity with exon 9 of TV-A, F and exon 10 of TV-B, D and E with a deletion of single nucleotide 'A' causing frame shift in the 4th zinc finger domain of the WT1 protein resulted in Wilms' tumor condition. The deletion position is variable with different transcript variants and they are present at: for TV-A c.1592delA, p.468, for TV-F c.1053delA, p.259, for TV-B c.1643delA, p.485, for TV-D c.1652 delA, p.488, and for TV-E c.1095delA, p.273; all these variations resulted in frame shift mutation. In order to substantiate these results in silico analysis was carried out; the structural superimposition of wild type and mutant WT1 structures showed that the mutated region exhibited a different confirmation with RMSD of 1.759Å. Therefore, these results conclusively explain the mutation in the WT1 gene that leads to structural changes contributing to glomerulosclerosis.

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