
Ambient assisted living is good way to look after ageing population that enables us to detect human’s activities of daily living (ADLs) and postures, as number of older adults are increasing at rapid pace. Posture detection is used to provide the assessment for monitoring the activity of elderly people. Most of the existing approaches exploit dedicated sensing devices as cameras, thermal sensors, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and so on. Traditional methods such as recording data using these sensors, training and testing machine learning classifiers to identify various human postures. This paper exploits data recorded using ubiquitous devices such as smart phones we use on daily basis and classify different human activities such as standing, sitting, laying, walking, walking downstairs and walking upstairs. Moreover, we have used machine learning and deep learning classifiers including random forest, KNN, logistic regression, multilayer perceptron, decision tree, QDA and SVM, convolutional neural network and long short-term memory as ground truth and proposed a novel ensemble classification algorithm to classify each human activity. The proposed algorithm demonstrate classification accuracy of 98% that outperforms other algorithms.

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