
A smart home interconnects every object of our living space to the Internet. Based on various technologies and standards, many device suppliers propound an expanded range of devices, that are incorporated in the home environment, in order to ease the human’s life and everyday duties. Among the most promising smart home applications, we distinguish the remote services control, that requires a secure and long range communication. LoRaWAN is considered as a rising technology providing a long range and secure communication. However, some LoRaWAN security vulnerabilities have been identified in the literature. So, in this paper, we propose a novel enhanced LoRaWAN solution that we adapt to secure the smart home remote control. The security of the proposed scheme is proved using a rigorous informal security analysis and a formal security verification via Scyther tool. Also, a performance comparison proved that the proposed scheme attains both computation and communication efficiency as compared to other schemes from literature.

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