
Introduction: Typical manifestations of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) include respiratory involvement. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms have also been reported as early clinical manifestations. The GI involvement can represent with diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The present research aimed to identify dysentery as one of the signs of GI involvement in the novel coronavirus infection in children. Case Presentation: We report twelve patients with COVID-19 and dysentery. All these children had positive reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) results. None had underlying illnesses or recent travel history. However, all children had contact with a first-degree relative affected by non-digestive COVID-19. In three patients, obvious dysentery was observed, and in the rest, red and white blood cells were evident in the stool exam. Stool exams were negative for bacterial infections, parasites, and the toxin of Clostridium difficile. Abdominal ultrasonography and echocardiographic evaluations to rule out multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children were normal. Supportive treatment, such as zinc supplementation and probiotics, was prescribed. They also received intravenous fluid therapy based on their dehydration percentage. In the end, they were discharged in good general condition without any complications. No GI complications were found in the follow-up series. Conclusions: Dysentery in children can be one of the GI manifestations of COVID-19, which is usually self-limiting. It does not require invasive diagnostic measures and antiviral treatments. This symptom is in contrast to other viral infections of the GI tract.

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