
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a widely heterogeneous disease in terms of genomic alterations, treatment options, and prognosis. While ALL is considered largely curable in children, adults tend to have higher risk disease subtypes and do not respond as favorably to conventional chemotherapy. Identifying genomic drivers of leukemogenesis and applying targeted therapies in an effort to improve disease outcomes is an exciting focus of current ALL research. Here, we review recent updates in ALL targeted therapy and present promising opportunities for future research. With the utilization of next-generation sequencing techniques, the genomic landscape of ALL has greatly expanded to encompass novel subtypes characterized by recurrent chromosomal rearrangements, gene fusions, sequence mutations, and distinct gene expression profiles. The evolution of small molecule inhibitors and immunotherapies, and the exploration of unique therapy combinations are some examples of recent advancements in the field. Targeted therapies are becoming increasingly important in the treatment landscape of ALL to improve outcomes and minimize toxicity. Significant recent advancements have been made in the detection of susceptible genomic drivers and the use of novel therapies to target them.

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