
Supernumerary B chromosomes are dispensable parts of the nuclear genome and occur in all eukaryotic groups. They differ from the normal A chromosomes in morphology, genetic behavior, and inheritance. Because they are nonessential for individual development, B chromosomes are considered to be genetically inert and to lack functional genes. However, the maize B chromosome carries control elements that direct its behavior and affects A chromosomes during cell division. Therefore, the maize B chromosome might contain genic regions that differ from the genic regions of A chromosomes. Yet, only a few B-specific transcript sequences have been isolated. To identify more B-specific transcriptionally active sequences, we constructed de novo transcriptome assemblies for maize B73 inbred lines with 0B (+0B) and 2B (+2B). Comparative analysis of the B73 + 0B and B73 + 2B assemblies revealed that unigenes annotated to 201 gene ontology terms were differentially expressed. Using RT-PCR analysis of novel transcript sequences specific to B73 + 2B, we identified 32 novel B-related transcript sequences, and most sequences showed consistent B-specific transcription in different inbred lines. Moreover, 20 of those novel B-related transcript sequences were further confirmed to be located only on the B chromosome by genomic PCR analysis. A total of 19 novel B-specific transcript sequences were mapped to various positions along the B chromosome using B-10L translocations. Taken together, our results suggest that the maize B chromosome indeed affects the expression of A-located genes and that a substantial amount of novel B-specific transcriptionally active sequences are present throughout the maize B chromosome. Therefore, the maize B chromosome seems not to be genetically inert.

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