
Isolated urogenital sinus can cause distended bladder and/or vagina and may present with an abdominal mass and sepsis during infancy. Older children may present with recurrent urinary tract infections and hematocolpos. We describe a 3-year-old girl with recurrent urinary tract infections thought to be secondary to vesicoureteric reflux. On further investigation, an isolated urogenital sinus anomaly with a calculus inside one of the hemivaginae was noted. She was managed expectantly with a plan to intervene at puberty. At puberty, during removal of the stone, the hemivaginal introitus was found to be stenotic. Gradually increasing sizes of Amplatz type graduated renal dilators were introduced from the introitus of the urogenital sinus into the hemivaginal stone until a size 22F Amplatz sheath could be passed easily. Size 10F cystoscope was passed through this channel, and the stone was fragmented using electrohydraulic lithotripsy. At a later date, she underwent staged anterior sagittal transvulval mobilization of the urogenital sinus.

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