
Anoctamin1 (ANO1), a calcium-activated chloride channel, is frequently overexpressed in several cancers, including human prostate cancer and oral squamous cell carcinomas. ANO1 plays a critical role in tumor growth and maintenance of these cancers. In this study, we have isolated two new compounds (1 and 2) and four known compounds (3–6) from Mallotus apelta. These compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory effects on ANO1 channel activity and their cytotoxic effects on PC-3 prostate cancer cells. Interestingly, compounds 1 and 2 significantly reduced both ANO1 channel activity and cell viability. Electrophysiological study revealed that compound 2 (Ani-D2) is a potent and selective ANO1 inhibitor, with an IC50 value of 2.64 μM. Ani-D2 had minimal effect on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel activity and intracellular calcium signaling. Notably, Ani-D2 significantly reduced ANO1 protein expression levels and cell viability in an ANO1-dependent manner in PC-3 and oral squamous cell carcinoma CAL-27 cells. In addition, Ani-D2 strongly reduced cell migration and induced activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP in PC-3 and CAL-27 cells. This study revealed that a novel ANO1 inhibitor, Ani-D2, has therapeutic potential for the treatment of several cancers that overexpress ANO1, such as prostate cancer and oral squamous cell carcinoma.


  • ANO1 amplification and overexpression have been reported in various carcinomas [7,8,9]

  • Previous reports suggest that ANO1 inhibitors can modulate cancer progression by downregulation of ANO1 in various cancer cells

  • ANO1-KO PC-3 and CAL-27 cells may be different from the original PC-3 and CAL-27 cells expressing high levels of ANO1, and there was no significant difference in doubling time between the original cell lines and the KO cell lines

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AArtNicOul1aris, AwNidOe1lyisexhpigrheslyseadmipnlvifaierdioaunsdtiesxsuperessasnedd irneguvlaartieosums acnayrcpinhoymsioalsogiinccalluadcitnivgitioersaslucshquaasmepoiuthselciealllceclalrsceicnroemtioan,(sOmSoCoCth),mpursocslteatceo,ntbrraecatisot,n,acnedll egsroopwhtahg, eaanldcannercverescaenlldtriasnisnmvoislsvieodn i[n3–t5h]e. Ipnroplaifretricautiloanr,, AmNetOas1taissihsi,gahnldy ainmvpasliifioendoafncdanecxeprrceeslslesd[6in– v10a]r.ious carcinomas including oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), prostate, breast, and esophageal canceArslthanodugishitnhveoulvnedderilnyitnhge pmreoclihfaenraistimoni,smunectalesatars, iasn, taincadnicnevraesfifoenctosfocfaAnNceOr 1ceilnlshi[b6i–t1io0n]. Have been reporAteltdhoinugshevtehrealunstduedrileysin[g11m–1e3c]h.aTnhisemceisllupnrcolleiafer,raatnitoinca, nmceertaesfftaescitss, oafnAdNinOv1asiniohniboitfiopnrohsatvateebaenedn orerpalocrtaendceinr cseelvlserwalersetusdigiensif[i1c1a–n1t3ly].rTedhue cceedll bpyrotlhifeeirnahtiiobnit,imonetoafsAtaNsiOs, 1anchdainnnvealsfiounncotfiopnroasntadtereadnudctoiroanl ocafnAceNrOce1llpsrwoteeriensliegvneifil c[6a,n1t0ly]. NNaattuurraall pprroodduuccttss hhaavvee bbeeeenn tthhee ssoouurrccee ooff vvaarriioouuss mmeeddiicciinnaall pprreeppaarraattiioonnss wwhhiicchh hhaavvee sshhoowwnn pphhaarrmmaaccoollooggiiccaall ppootteennttiiaall aass tthheerraappeeuuttiicc aaggeennttss iinn aa vvaarriieettyy ooff ccaarrcciinnoommaass [[1188]]. AArrgg ((EEuupphhoorrbbiiaacceeaaee)) hhaass bbeeeenn uusseedd iinn oorriieennttaall mmeeddiicciinnee. TThhee ccoommppoouunnddss ffrroomm tthhiiss ggeennuuss sshhoowweedd mmaannyy iinntteerreessttiinngg bbiioollooggiiccaall aaccttiivviittiieess iinncclluuddiinngg aannttiivviirraall [[1199]],, hheeppaattoopprrootteeccttiivvee [[2200]],, aanndd ccyyttoottooxxiicc aacctitvivitiiteises[21[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12–32].3]T.hTehcyetoctyotxoitcopxricopperrtoipeseratrieesattarriebuatettdritbouttheedprteosetnhcee opfrespseencicfiec cohf rospmeecnifeisc. TMh.easpeelctoa.mTphoeusendcosmwpeoruenedvsawluearteedevfaolruactyetdotfooxriccyatcottiovxiitcyaacntidviAtyNaOnd AinNhiObi1toirnyhiebffietocrtsy. eWffeecfutsr.thWeer ifnuvrethsteirgaintevdestthigeaptehdystihoelopghicyaslioeffloegcitcsaol fecffoemctpsooufncdom apnodunthde2cyatnodtotxhiec cmyetochtoaxniicsmmeicnhparnoisstmateincpanrocestraatendcaonrcaelrsaqnudamoroaulssqcaunacmeroucesllcalinnceesr. cell lines

IIssoollaattiioonn ooff CCoompounds
Structural Elucidations of Compounds
Plant Material
Extraction and Isolation
Cell Culture
YFP Fluorescence Quenching Analysis
Short-Circuit Current
Intracellular Calcium Measurement
Western Blot Analysis
4.10. Real-Time RT-PCR Analysis
4.11. Cell Viability Assay
4.12. Wound Healing Assay
4.13. Caspase-3 Activity Assay
4.14. Statistical Analysis
Full Text
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