
Several Klebsiella pneumoniae strains which produced enterochelin but not aerobactin were nevertheless sensitive to cloacin DF13. In contrast, a strain of serotype K1:O1 which produced both siderophores was cloacin-resistant. Loss by mutation of the O1 but not K1 antigen rendered this strain cloacin-sensitive, indicating that the O1 antigen prevented access of cloacin to the cloacin/aerobactin receptor. Unlike the K1:O1 strain, the aerobactin-negative strains failed to hybridize in a colony blot assay with an aerobactin receptor gene probe prepared from pColV-K30. However, antisera raised against the 74 kDa pColV-K30 aerobactin receptor cross-reacted with a 76 kDa outer-membrane protein in each K. pneumoniae strain. In addition to the 76 kDa protein, the K1:O1 strain also produced a strongly cross-reacting 74 kDa protein. To determine whether these aerobactin-negative strains could use aerobactin, mutants unable to synthesize siderophores were isolated. Aerobactin promoted the growth of these mutants in iron-deficient media. The evidence presented suggests that some K. pneumoniae strains produce an aerobactin iron-uptake system without apparent production of aerobactin and which is probably based on a 76 kDa receptor, the gene for which does not hybridize with aerobactin receptor gene encoded on pColV-K30.

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