
We use 3d bosonization dualities to derive new non-supersymmetric dualities between bosonic quiver theories in 2 + 1 dimensions. It is shown that such dualities are a natural non-Abelian generalization of the bosonic particle-vortex duality. A special case of such dualities is applicable to Chern-Simons theories living on interfaces in 3 + 1 dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory across which the theta angle jumps. We also analyze such interfaces in a holographic construction which provides further evidence for novel dualities between quiver gauge theories and gauge theories with adjoint scalars. These conjectured dualities pass some stringent consistency tests.


  • FieldsSymmetry SU(N ) U(k) SU(Ns) SU(Nf ) U(1)m,b U(1)F,S Field bμ cμ Bμ Cμ A1μA2μ for covariant derivatives is Db +B+A1+A2 φ= μ∂μ − i bμ1Ns + Bμ1N + A1μ1NNs + A2μ1NNs φ, Db +C+A1 ψ=bμ1Nf + Cμ1N + A1μ1NNf ψ

  • We have developed the methodology for dualizing linear quiver gauge theories with bifundamental scalars and argued that they can be viewed as the non-Abelian generalization of particle/vortex duality

  • Crucial to this is the interaction terms, which couple scalars living on adjacent links and propagate the symmetry breaking pattern down the quiver in a unidirectional manner

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Review of 3d bosonization

We begin by reviewing 3d bosonization and establish conventions we will use throughout this paper. The most general form of 3d bosonization, the so-called master bosonization duality [16, 17], is a conjecture that the following two Lagrangians share the same IR fixed point. (2.1a) (2.1b) with the mass identifications mψ ↔ −m2Φ and m2φ ↔ mΨ. We will use uppercase letters for background gauge fields, lowercase for dynamical gauge fields, and Abelian fields carry a tilde. This duality is subject to the flavor bound (Nf , Ns) ≤ (k, N ), but excludes the case (Nf , Ns) = (k, N )..

Non-Abelian linear quiver dualities
Bosonic particle-vortex duality
Building non-Abelian linear quiver dualities
Self-consistency checks
Theta wall dualities
Theta wall dualities via 3d bosonization
Theta wall dualities via holography
Discussion and conclusion
Other forms of the duality
Global symmetries
Bosonizing interaction terms
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