
The Menilite Formation is an important lithostratigraphic member of the Krosno-menilite Unit in the Carpathian Flysch Belt. The rocks of the Menilite Formation occur as small bodies also within Sub-Silesian Unit on the geological map sheet 25-13 Přerov. In this paper, we present new occurrence of chert layers of the Menilite Formation at ground elevation 275 which is situated 1.2 km easternlyof the village Dřevohostice. The rock body is formed of layers of laminated gray-white to gray-brown menilite chert interlayered by thin interpositions of weathered gray-green non-calcareous claystones. The menilite cherts consist of brownish-yellow and gray opal laminae with limonite and chalcedony streaks. Opal laminae have thickness mostly in range of 1–10 mm. Rock matrix is cut by numerous veins formed by opal and chalcedony which originated during at least two diff erent events. Menilite cherts sporadicallyenclose small siliceous chalcedony geodes. Claystones have pelitic texture with a clotted inner structure and contain siliceous sponge spicules and other non-specified microfossils (probably planktonic diatoms). The cherty layers documented in a dug probe have WNW–ESE direction with inclination to SSW under the angle of 25°. The sediments were folded during the overthrust of the Sub-Silesian Nappe on the Carpathian Foredeep in the Karpatian and during subsequent late-tectonic rotations towards NW.

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