
Detail geological survey of the Lipník nad Bečvou surroundings brought new geological informations about the area, where Variscan and Carpathian orogens touch each other by their allochthonous nappe units. Detail mapping supported by micropaleontology enabled to fix the spatial extent of the nappe remnants of the Ždánice Unit in poorly exposed areas. Southeastern outskirts of Lipník nad Bečvou are part of the type area of the Menilite Formation defi ned by Glocker (1844) and one of his historical type localities near situated Símře was rediscovered. Lower Miocene strata were subdivided to the Stryszawa and Kroměříž formations based on the provenience of clastic material: Bohemian Massif for the Stryszawa Fm. and Carpathian nappes for the Kroměříž Fm. A new occurrence of rhyolitic fine-grained volcaniclastics was discovered in the Carpathian Foredeep in Lipník nad Bečvou. Quaternary sediments are represented, first of all, by complex fluvial terrace system of the Bečva River that illustrates the evolution of landscape since the latest Early Pleistocene. Remarkable local curiosity is fresh-water limestone (travertine) in Tučín, formed at the spring of thermal mineral water.

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