
In 2008, a French archaeological expedition started to lead excavations on Fabrika hill on the North-East side of the ancient city of Nea Paphos. The two first archaeological seasons (spring 2008 and 2009) focused on the Northern part of the hill (area A) and on the Eastern slope behind the ancient theatre (area B). On the North side, a long terrace wall was uncovered, badly built. A trial sounding dates it from the end of the 1st c. B. C. or beginning of the 1st c. A. D. Very damaged walls, probably dwellings, of the later periods have also been put to light. On the terrace East of the wall we made two trial soundings in order to try to date the levels of occupation of the hill : two human skeletons from Ottoman times were uncovered. On the Eastern side of the hill we found a building carved out the bedrock. It could be date to the 13th c. A. D., according to the ceramic and to the mould of the seal of an Italian bishop found in the destruction level. The destruction of the vault seems to show that it had been destroyed by an earthquake at the very end of the 13th or beginning of the 14th century. In 2010, we will remove the whole destruction level and, hopefully, may be able to identify the function of this important building. Moreover, we will start and improvement of the Apollo Hylates sanctuary at Alonia tou Episcopou, 2 km East of Fabrika hill.

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