
A new method was developed for determining the position of ionizing events. It is consists of calculating the gravity center of the charges produced during the electron avalanche around the wire by using induced signals on two adequate geometrically shaped cathodes called “jeu de jacquet” (backgammon). The spatial resolution (fwhm) for a collimated 8 keV X-ray beam is 186 μm for a 60 mm long one-dimensional and 1 atm xenon proportional counter. This method is also well suited for two-dimensional position sensitive detectors. For a 120 × 120 mm 2 two-dimensional argon proportional counter with 1 mm spaced wires, the spatial resolution is 700 μm fwhm along the axis of the wires, and 1 mm on the orthogonal direction. A circular or spherical drift space for primary charges allows to eliminate parallax effects. Fields of interest for the application of these position sensitive detectors are X-ray, γ-ray or neutron diffraction studies.

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