
Abstract Abstract History of the British Standing Army, 1660-1700. By the late Colonel Clifford Walton, O.B., A.A.G., dedicated, by permission, to Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. Londou: Harrison and Sons, 1894. Price 21s. Allgemeine Lehre von der Truppen-fuhrung im Felde. Von J. Meckel. Berlin: Mittler. Travels amongst American Indians: their Ancient Earthworks and Temples, including a Journey in Guatemala, Mexico, and Yucatan. By Vice-Admiral Lindesay Brine. London: Sampson Low, Marston and Co., 1894. The Camel: its Uses and Management. By Major Arthur Glyn Leonard, late 2nd East Lancashire Regiment. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1894. Price 21s. Across Tibet. By Captain Hamilton Bower, 17th Bengal Cavalry. London: Rivington, Percival, and Co., 1894. Price 16s. Schools and Masters of Fence. By Egerton Castle. London: George Bell and Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, 1885. L'Escadron des Cent Gardes. Par Gilbert Verly. Paris: Ollendorf, 1894. Price 7s. 6d. Geschichte des Niederrheinischen Füsilier-Regiment No. 39. 1818 bis 1893. Von W. Kinleten. Berlin: Mittler, 1893. Price 11s. 3d. Die Schlacht von Orleans, am 3. und 4. Dezember 1870. Von Kunz, Major a.D. Berlin: Mittler. Price 4s. 6d. Valenciennes (1793). By Arthur Chuquet. Paris: Léopold Cerf, 15, Rue de Médicis. Price 2s. 8d. Scharnhorst's papers edited by Freiherr v. der Goltz. Dresden: Carl Höckner, 1885. The Rise and Expansion of the British Dominion in India. By Sir Alfred Lyall, K.C.B. London: John Murray, 1894. The Tactiks of Aelian; or, Art of Embattailing an Army after the Grecian Manner. Englished and Illustrated with Figures and Notes upon the Chapters by Jo. Bingham. London, 1616. The Art of Horsemanship. By Xenophon. Translated, with Chapters on the Greek Riding Horse, and with Notes by Morris H. Morgan, Ph.D., Assistant-Professor in Harvard University. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1894. Price 3s. 6d. Military Sketches of the Ghoorka War in India in the years 1814, 1815, 1816. Woodbridge. Printed by J. Loder for R. Hunter, 72, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 1822. The Letters of Ciris on Indian Affairs from 1812 to 1819. By Henry Russell. London: John Murray, 1850. The Wellington Manual: being a compilation from the Despatches of His Grace the Duke of Wellington, embracing his sentiments on various points relating to Military Discipline and Administration, the Equipment of Armies for the Field, their Management in Foreign Countries, &c. By J. H. Stocqueler, Editor of the “Calcutta Englishman.” Published under the patronage of His Excellency General Sir J. Nicolls, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army. Calcutta, 1840. English Army Lists and Commission Registers. Vol. II, 1685-1689. By C. Dalton, F.R.G.S. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1894. The British Mission to Uganda in 1893. By the late Sir Gerald Portal, K.C.M.G., C.B., the British Commissioner. Edited with a Memoir by Rennell Rodd, C.M.G. With the diary of the late Captain Raymond Portal, and an introduction by Lord Cromer, G.C.M.G. Illustrated from photographs by Colonel Rhodes. London: Edward Arnold, 37, Bedford Street, W.C., Publisher to the India Office, 1894. Demy 8vo. Price 21s. A Manual of Naval Architecture. By W. H. White, C.B., Assistant Controller and Director of Naval Construction. 1 vol. 3rd edition. London: John Murray. 1894. Modern Strategy. A lecture delivered by Capt. W. H. James, late R.E., before the Military Society of Ireland. Dublin: Dollard.

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