
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles<br><br>"Beamforming Applied to New Cooperative Decode-and-Forward Relay Schemes,"<br>by Ahmed Zahoor, J.P. Cances, and V. Meghdadi<br>in the Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Spring 2008<br><br>After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE's Publication Principles.<br><br>This paper contains significant duplication of original text from the paper cited below. The original text was copied without attribution and without permission.<br><br>Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper, and future references should be made to the following paper:<br><br>"Cooperative Transmission Schemes for Decode-and-Forward Relaying"<br>by Jian Zhao, Marc Kuhn, Armin Wittneben, and Gerhard Bauch.<br>in the Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Sept 2007, pp 1-5<br><br> <br/> In this paper we study the application of beamforming techniques at relay stations to increase transmission rate by mitigating co-channel interferences. We consider the downlink between a base station (BS) and two mobile stations (MS) where the data are transmitted through two decode-and-forward Relay Stations (RS) concurrently using the same frequency channel. Beamforming applies preceding vectors at the RS to mitigate co-channel interferences. Doing this, each user receives its own data without interference which simplifies the user receiver design. We propose here two preceding strategies yielding to two different transmission protocols. We compare them in terms of transmission rate and we discuss their respective merits.

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