
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles<br><br>"A Stable Election Protocol based on an Unreliable Failure Detector in Distributed Systems"<br>by Sung-Hoon Park <br> Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations, April 2011, pp. 979-984<br><br>After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE’s Publication Principles.<br><br>This paper copied large portions of original text from the paper cited below. The original text was copied without attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s) and/or paper title) and without permission.<br><br>Due to the nature of this violation, reasonable effort should be made to remove all past references to this paper, and future references should be made to the following article:<br><br>"A Group Membership Algorithm with a Practical Specification"<br>by Massimo Franceschetti, Jehoshua Bruck<br>in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol 12, No 11, November 2001, pp. 1190-1200<br><br> <br/> A Leader is a Coordinator that supports a set of processes to cooperate a given task. This concept is used in several domains such as distributed systems, parallelism and cooperative support for cooperative work. In completely asynchronous systems, there is no solution for the election problem satisfying both of safety and liveness properties in asynchronous distributed systems. Therefore, to solve the election problem in those systems, one property should be weaker than the other property. If an election algorithm strengthens the safety property in sacrifice of liveness property, it would not nearly progress. But on the contrary, an election algorithm strengthening the liveness property in sacrifice of the safety property would have the high probability of violating the safety property. In this paper, we presents a safety strengthened Leader Election protocol with an unreliable failure detector and analyses it in terms of safety and liveness properties in asynchronous distributed systems.

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