
Notice of Violation of IEEE Publication Principles<br><br>A Greedy Inverse Kinematics Algorithm for Animating 3D Signing Avatars<br> by Nour Ben Yahia and Mohamed Jemni<br> in the Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessability (ICTA), October 2013<br><br> After careful and considered review of the content and authorship of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEE's Publication Principles.<br><br> This paper contains paraphrased text and copied figures from the paper cited below. The original text and figures were copied without attribution (including appropriate references to the original author(s) and/or paper title) and without permission. The lead author, Nour Ben Yahia, was responsible for the misconduct.<br><br> FABRIK: A Fast, Iterative Solver for the Inverse Kinematics Problem<br> by Andreas Aristidou and Joan Lasenby<br> in Graphical Models, 73, 2011 pp. 243-260<br><br> <br/> The Inverse Kinematicss (IK) is a method for calculating the postures, in order to satisfy a given task by the user, based on degree of freedom of each joint. This method plays an important role in the animation and simulation of virtual characters to improve and facilitate the use of interfaces. We present the description of an animation solver that allows the automatic moving of the different parts of a signing avatar body based on a greedy algorithm. The objective is to obtain a realistic animation of the virtual character that enables deaf person to visualize realistic gestures. Our approach is based on a thorough study of sign language and gestures classification. The challenge of this project is to find a good compromise between computational time and realistic representation that should be closer to real-time generation signs.

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