
Penzigiella (?) robusta Broth., originally referred to the Pterobryaceae, is conspecific with Neodolichomitra gigantea Nog. of the Hypnaceae. The new combination N. robusta (Broth.) Nog. is required. Penzigiella (?) robusta was published by Brotherus (1929) on the basis of the materials collected in Hunan, China. Brotherus was uncertain of the generic position of the moss, possibly because his material lacks sporophytes. I examined the type specimen (Fig. 1) of the species. Probably Brotherus classified it in Penzigiella upon the leaf shape, the single costa, and the general aspect of plants. The leaf areolation of P. (?) robusta is similar to that of P. cordata of Southeast Asia, but the alar cells are not differentiated as in the latter. The former moss is clearly not a member of the genus Penzigiella. The plants are very robust, stout, glossy, and yellowishgreen; the stiff and reddish-brown stems and branches are impressive. In the general aspect this moss bears some resemblance to certain species of Hylocomium and Rhytidiadelphus, but the entire absence of the paraphyllia on stems and on branches distinguishes it from Hylocomium, and the single and rather long costa from Rhytidiadelphus. Penzigiella (?) robusta is identical to Neodolichomitra gigantea which I published as a new genus and new species (Noguchi 1937). The species N. gigantea was originally collected on humus in a forest at about 2,200 m on Mt. Taihei in northern Formosa (Taiwan). The type specimen of P. (?) robusta agrees well with Formosan plants in its essential respects, but differs slightly in having less concave leaves. The stem leaves of the Formosan plants are strongly concave and cymbiform, and consequently the leaf apices are often somewhat cucullate. Due to the sterile original material, I could not consider possible relationships between Neodolichomitra and Rhytidiadelphus and its allies. The plant lacks paraphyllia and therefore I prefer to classify it in the Hypnaceae rather than in the Hylocomiaceae. Currently I believe that the nearest ally of Neodolichomitra is Rhytidiadelphus, but these genera differ in that the leaves are unicostate in Neodolichomitra and bicostate in Rhytidiadelphus. On the basis of the information presented above, the following new combination is proposed: Neodolichomitra robusta (Broth.) Nog., comb nov. (Fig. 1-6). Penzigiella (?) robusta Broth., Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 1, 181: 216. 1922.-Symb. Sinic, 4: 78. 1929. 1 I wish to thank Dr. H. Roivainen for lending me the type specimen of Penzigiella (?) robusta Broth. 2 Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan. This content downloaded from on Tue, 06 Sep 2016 05:05:36 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 1966] NOGUCHI: NEODOLICHOMITRA 233

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