
Since Milne-Redhead established the family Montiniaceae (in Hook., Ic. PI., t. 3541-4 (1955)) a good deal of new material has been collected. He had hoped to prepare accounts of the family for the 'Flora of Tropical East Africa' and 'Flore de Madagascar' but was awaiting more perfect material of two of the five taxa involved; since this had not been collected before his retirement nothing further was done. The family, although of uncertain affinities, certainly comes within the groups under my care and I have decided to write up the accounts despite still manifestly imperfect material of one of the taxa; the following notes were found necessary. Mr. Milne-Redhead noted the occurrence of the genus Grevea in tropical Africa and gave a full discussion of its affinities, finally deciding to erect a new family to contain it and Montinia. Despite the marked differences between these two genera, particularly in their wood anatomy (which is so diverse that Dr. Metcalfe commented that he would never have considered

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