
In November 1975, an ascomycete on the leaves of cardamum, Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton (Zingiberaceae), was collected at Cherambane, Coorg district, where the average rainfall is ca. 5,000 mm per yr. This fungus belongs to the genus Ceriospora Niessl (Pyrenomycetes, Sphaeriales, Amphisphaeriaceae), erected by Niessl in 1876. Ceriospora dubyi Niessl, on Humulus lupulus L. Cannabinaceae), is the type species. Ainsworth (1971) incorrectly limited the distribution of the genus to temperate regions; three species have been described on different genera of Palmae from South Europe and North Africa, South India, and Australia (Miiller and von Arx, 1962). Four species have been reported from India: Ceriospora arecae Menon, found on the leaflets of Areca catechu L. (Palmae) affected by yellow leaf disease (Menon, 1959; Muller and von Arx, 1962); C. lantanae Tilak & Kale on Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) (Tilak and Kale, 1967); C. prinsepiae Ramachandra Rao on dead stems of Prinsepia utilis Royle (Rosaceae) (Ramachandra Rao, 1971); and C. acaciae Kale & Kale, on dead stems of Acacia leucophloea Willd. (Leguminosae) (Kale and Kale, 1972). The measurements given by Muller and von Arx (1962) for C. arecae are much larger than those in Menon's (1959) original description (perithecia 100-140 ,m in diam, versus 46-70 width x 52-70 um height; asci 72-80 x 12-14 tm versus 30-58 x 4.6-6 pm; and ascospores 23-28 x 5-6 Mam versus 12-24 x 3-4 um). Menon does not mention whether asci are bitunicate or unitunicate. Miiller and von Arx (1962) retain this species in Ceriospora, indicating that they consider the asci unitunicate.

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